Tantuni Time
Dear Members,
We warmly invite you to join us for a delicious gathering on Thursday, August 25th at 6:00 PM at the Cultural Center! Let's enjoy some mouthwatering Tantuni together and spend a delightful evening in good company. We would love for you to be a part of this tasty event.
Best regards,
TASC Eid Celebration 2024
Dear Community Members,
As the Cultural Center, we are thrilled to announce that we have completed our preparations to celebrate this Ramadan Bayram with you! We would like to express our utmost joy in welcoming all of you to join us for this special occasion.
We cordially invite you, our esteemed members, and your families to grace us with your presence on this auspicious day. We have arranged delightful meals and activities to share the blessings and joy of Ramadan Bayram together.
Gathering in the ambiance of our Cultural Center on this special day will strengthen our bonds and create cherished memories together.
We eagerly await the opportunity to come together and share the festive spirit of the Bayram with you. We warmly welcome all of you to our Cultural Center.
With warm regards,
Weekend School 2023
Degerli Velilerimiz,
2023-24 Key Stone Kids Academy Weekend School yeni donem derslerine basliyor. Kayitlarimiz acilmistir ve son kayit gunu 30 Agustos Carsamba gunudur. Lutfen ekteki kayit linkini kullanarak ogrenci kaydinizi en kisa zamanda tamamlayiniz. Weekend School ucretimiz yillik $1200 olup, 3 taksitle odeme imkanimiz vardir. Bu ucrete ogle yemegi de dahildir. Kardes indirimimiz %15 olup bu konudaki talebinizi asagidaki emaile bildirip indirim kodunu talep etmeniz gerekmektedir. Yeni egitim-ogretim donemi butun cocuklarimiz icin guzelliklere vesile olmasi dilegi ile ilginize tesekkur ederiz.
Iyi gunler.
Dear Parents,
The 2023-24 Key Stone Kids Academy Weekend School is beginning its new term classes. Registrations are now open, and the final registration deadline is August 30th. Please complete your student's registration as soon as possible using the registration link attached. Our Weekend School fee is $1200 per year, with the option to pay in 3 installments. This fee includes lunch. We also offer a sibling discount of 15%; please inform us via the email provided below to apply for this discount. We wish that the upcoming educational term will usher in positive and enriching experiences for all our children. We thank you for your interest.
Best regards.
Weekend School Principal:
Aysegul Yildiz
Registration Link:
Summer Soccer Program
Age Group: 5-7 , 8-12
July 6,7,8,
July 14,15,16
Time: 10:30-12:30
Halil Eldek & Enver Guner
Fees: $120
Location: 42°02'55.5"N 88°01'26.7"
1st Annual Arm Wrestling Tournament
Welcome to the 1st Annual Arm Wrestling Tournament! We are excited to invite you to showcase your strength and skills in this thrilling event.
Interfaith Iftar Dinner
Join us for an evening of food, fellowship, music, presentations
Keynote Speaker : Scott C. Alexander PhD
Professor of Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations
Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program
Catholic Theological Union
Dinner, Live Music, Ebru Presentation, Interfaith Conversation and More... For College Students
Ramadan Community Iftar
Ramadan Community Iftar "The Blessings of Ramadan"
Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia President/ Founder of Darul Qasim College
Taste of Cultures Bake Sale Supporting Turkiye Earthquake Victims
TASC organized a bake sale today for the benefit of earthquake victims in Turkey and Syria with the participation of thousands of people.
Taste of Cultures Bake Sale Supporting Turkiye Earthquake Victims
Spring Food Festival-in door all proceeds from this event will go toward supporting earthquake victims in Turkiye
Hizmet Movement: Past, Present and Future
Hizmet -Gulen Movement is global and also local Islamic movement that mainly focuses on three areas which are education, dialogue, and relief.